Over the past 48 hours I have been taking time to digest the information that I have been receiving on Ro’s wife school. It has been a bit overwhelming given the gravity of what’s been happening. Trying to figure out what to share with you is a task and I am trying to break it down a piece at a time. Today I have decided to go through the particulars of Ro’s wife school and how it works using the five Ws, Who, What, When, Where, Why, with a summation covering the How of Ro’s wife school.


We know that Rokisha is the at the center of the wife school. However, she is not the only player. According to M.F. who opened up to us about Ro’s school, “Ro is the main teacher of Wife school and she designates mentors to mentees in certain locations in the US. Keisha Anderson, Anikiyah Periz Jackson, Walladah Muhammad (Allyson Lea King), Sophia Perryman, Renee Jackson, Toryanita Watterson, Dominique Nicole, [Name redacted because she is no longer affiliated with Roots of Royals].” Elle, who also contacted us confirmed, “[Ro] was leading and did the main teaching, [K]eisha [A]nderson spoke a bit, and [A]nikiyah did my mentoring.” There is also her “husband” Laurent Grangenois who seems to be actively involved with Ro’s school. This means at the very least there are nine people also involved with running the wife school. M.F. went on to state, “If we were there for 6 months, we were encouraged to graduate the wife exam, get the certificate for $140, which she said previously was free with the mentorship 3 month free program if we paid for wife school, and from there, we can get the chance to become a mentor.”


Ro not only runs a “wife school” she also has a Passive Income Course, Business Incentive Program, Affiliate Program, Husband Summit, Dating for Marriage, Royal Parenting, Children’s Multilingual Program, Travel Based University/Black Wealth University, Cooking Classes, Sexual Education Program, and Matchmaking Program. These programs can range from a few hundred dollars to $30K for the wife school. She has a book for sale on Amazon. She promotes “teas” and “slumber parties” that she charges for but the women attending have been required to bring food and refreshments. All in all, Ro has multiple scams happening simultaneously. Each program promises either a class or other product. However, even after payment has been received, either the product is not delivered or it is subpar video content. Several of her class videos as well as her “Wife School Final Exam” have been leaked by former students.


From what I have been able to ascertain online, Rokisha has been running her wife school since at least 2014. At that time her school was not under the “Roots of Royals” name as it is now but instead ran under the name and website “Institute of Feminine Grace.” It appears that Ro has had at least three websites for her program. She also has run her program under the name of Ro Grangenois. In fact, her old Grangenois Facebook page is still up and active. I have found at least three different Facebook pages affiliated with Ro’s wife school which indicates to me that she continuously has to move her scheme to evade authorities. In fact, she made a post about her “#FBGetOutPlan” yesterday after my first article was posted. It appears she is gathering the victims she still has and trying to move them to secret Facebook pages so she can continue to take advantage of them.


Ro’s location is very hard to lock down. She claims to be in France; her current page says Atlanta, GA and New Orleans, LA. (I was informed that she was seen in Atlanta, Buckhead, six months ago). However, her victims are all over the US. Of those who did give me their locations they were all in three different states. I believe it is safe to say that Ro’s criminal activity has crossed state and international borders.


Why Ro is doing this seems pretty obvious to me, for money. Despite her claim that she is trying to empower black families by encouraging marriages, she preys on the most vulnerable. She manipulates those who are looking for love.

If you have never felt rejected or depressed you may not understand how one could fall for something that seems so obviously a scam.

So many women are taught they are not complete because they do not have a husband. Couple that with low self-esteem, seeing a person who from all outward appearances has all that you aspire to have and be, who also appears to have all the answers on how to get what you want, that person can be very seductive to your mind; all one has to do is pay her and she will give you all the answers to what you believe are your biggest problems.

This is how cults work. This is also why they work. They need broken people to take advantage of.


How Ro was able to take money from so many people for so long is very interesting. Ro teaches her followers that women are not supposed to work outside of the home, that men are supposed to be the breadwinners and women are supposed to maintain the home. According to Ro, women can ONLY bring in “passive income.” Her victims are told repeatedly that her school/programs are not “businesses.” And, because they are not businesses her victims are told to “donate” to her and her “mentors” through PayPal or other cash apps. When using PayPal they are told to only use the “Friends and Family” feature so there are no fees attached to their payments. [When paying through PayPal, if one uses the business pay option they are charged a fee, and money will be refunded if it is shown to be a scam. Paypal will also report the illegality].  I was provided a screenshot (above) which shows Periz Jackson telling one of the victims to “Always pay through friends and family because this is not a business.”  I was also told that they encourage their victims to take out personal bank loans to pay for their programs and not pay them back.

Because Ro does not operate any of her scams as actual “businesses” it makes it near impossible for her victims to find any remedy or get their money back. However, her victims are organizing. They have already reported Ro’s activities to the Federal Trade Commission and they have also started a Change.org petition to get her and all of her activities shut down.

Again, I encourage anyone who has been a victim of her school or other activity to come forward and tell your story. By speaking out and joining with others who have been victimized you can help stop Ro from harming others.

Read Part III: “Young” Wife School Victim



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