That’s right. Women do not post pictures for the attention of men. It is interesting that often when women do post pictures, a significant number of men feel that somehow the women just want their attention. For example, you will see comments like, “She just wants attention,” or “She is ‘thirst trapping.”‘  But, contrary to popular belief, everything that women do is not for the attention of or consumption by men.

In fact, unless a woman is making money from the people who look at her pictures, Instagram models, for example, who make money from posting, women are not posting for men. Usually when women post pictures it is because they happen to like their own photos and want to share them. There is no thought to posting a picture to entice random strangers.

It may be difficult in this era of instant sharing for many men to believe this, but in general women actually function quite well without calling attention to themselves for the attention of men.There is also the very serious issue of women having to deal with unwanted attention from men. In fact, women often go out of their way to avoid unwanted attention from men. This is because unwanted attention can sometimes lead to things like sexual harassment and even sexual assault.

And, when you really think about it, people sharing pictures of themselves is nothing new. People have been sharing photos in their homes of themselves and their families for decades. Folks used to even have photo albums in their wallets! Social media is nothing more than an extension of that. Back then you never had women showing random men pictures of themselves for “attention.” It is exactly the same now, just the sharing instead happens online.

Of course, when women do post pictures online men flock to them. There’s nothing wrong with that. However, men must understand this. Women do not post those pictures for you personally! If you like the picture, great! But, do not think that because a woman posts a photo she is soliciting your attention. She isn’t. Think photo album and remember, she posted the picture because she liked it and not because she likes you. Simply hit “like” and keep it moving!


Follow me: @KaiNicole on Twitter, @KaiFlyMommy on Instagram. And, buy the best dating book for women, Date Like A Woman!

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