I keep seeing these posts about men complaining about paying for dates but the icing on the cake was the Six Brown Chicks’ Huffington Post article featuring some guy (who obviously has problems dating) saying that he should not have to pay for a first date.

You know why men should pay for the first date? They asked for the date. That’s right. If a man asks a woman out for a date, HE should pay for it. That is the reason and the rule. If you ask someone out, you should pay for the date. It’s that simple. If a woman asks a man out, SHE should pay for the date. Whoever asks for the date is responsible for the date. That’s it. So to the man in the video, if you don’t want to pay for dates, stop asking women out. Problem solved.

Of course I see a lot of men arguing about how women paying for dates makes men and women “equal.” First off, to believe that women paying for dates makes the sexes equal is idiotic.

Let’s break down gender “equality” for a moment:

Gender Pay Gap – Women earn on average 77¢ for every dollar men earn.

The Pink Tax – Women pay more than men from everything such as personal products and services to clothing. Women pay on average 13% more for personal products and 8% more for adult clothing. In fact “on average, women spent an extra $1,351 per year in these extra costs and fees.” (Forbes)

Fewer Power Postions – Not only do women make less money than men on average they hold less positions of power in companies which would allow them to earn higher incomes. “[W]omen are profoundly underrepresented in the United States in truly high-powered roles.”

Listen up men, before you even think to fix your mouth to say that women would be “equal” if they paid for dates, remember this, men hold more positions of power, pay less for everything, AND make more money than women, ALL THE TIME. So the next time you advocate for women to pay for dates make sure you advocate for equal pay, equal costs, and equal power.


Follow me: @KaiNicole on Twitter, @KaiFlyMommy on Instagram. And, buy the best dating book for women, Date Like A Woman!

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