A lot of women are unwilling to travel alone internationally. There are also women unwilling to travel with a man they do not consider as a serious partner or boyfriend. However, international dates are one of the BEST dating experiences that you can have. There is so much to be gained and seeing a foreign land with someone you are just getting to know is a wonderful way to get to know them even better. It can be one of the greatest memories of your lifetime!

Don’t miss out on amazing life experiences just because you are not willing to step outside of your comfort zone. Take a risk. Live on the edge a little. Be willing to do the things that make you a little scared or a bit uncomfortable, because those are the experiences that will make your life amazing.

Here are a few tips to make those international dates perfect:

1. Say yes!

Traveling is one of the best experiences that you can have in your lifetime. Never be afraid to take a trip with a guy you have known for only a short while, (longer than a few weeks of course!), just because he is not a boyfriend. If you are asked to go on a trip, say yes! Traveling with him will give you an opportunity to really know who he is as a person. You will experience things for the first time that neither of you have all while spending lots of one on one time together. So, don’t be afraid. Take a chance!

2. Have a backup plan.

If your date offers to pay great, but make sure you can afford the entire trip yourself. Have enough money for a flight back home and short hotel stay just in case of an emergency. Also, make sure your travel tickets are always in your control. Anticipate the best but just in case things don’t go well you do not want to be stuck in a foreign country with no way home. So, ALWAYS have a backup plan. (This means that if you cannot afford to go on your own, maybe you should pass. There will be another time so don’t fret).

3. Give a relative all the details of your trip.

Safety first! Make sure someone who knows you well knows all of your travel plans and whereabouts in case of any emergency. Make sure they have all flight info, hotel info, and are able to reach you by phone at any time!

4. Do not think this is the beginning of happily ever after.

It’s one trip. Do not turn it into anything more. While it can be the beginning of something very serious, remember to just stay in the moment and enjoy it. Do not try to make it anything more than a trip. If a future comes out of it, great, if not, that’s fine too. Just don’t let your mind get too carried away into a fantasy so that you won’t be disappointed later if things don’t actually work out.

5. Get an international phone plan.

You definitely do not want to be in a foreign country on a date and not be able to communicate, especially if there is an emergency. Communication is very important so make sure you can call home. Most phone companies have plans that you can add to your line temporarily, just for the trip, that are not too expensive.

6. Buy a guide book

Get a guide book for your destination and figure out some sights that you find interesting and that you think your date would find interesting and then make plans to see them. For at least one of those sights make it your treat!

7. Have a budget.

What you do not want to do is go out of the country and forget that you have expenses still at home waiting for you on return. Make a daily budget and stick to it!

8. Pick up small expenses.

If your date insists on paying for meals, pick up the other small expenses such as taxis, train fees, or sightseeing fees.

9. Take a break from each other at least once during your trip.

Traveling with anyone can be overwhelming so just make sure you reserve some “me” time for yourself and encourage your date to do the same. Hit the spa, treat yourself to lunch, or go to that museum he isn’t all that interested in.

10. Get lost.

There is nothing more romantic than exploring a place neither of you have ever been to before. So, take a walk with your date with no destination in mind. Explore a neighborhood. Stop at a cafe along the way. Check out an art gallery. Be whimsical.

11. Of course, most of all, Have Fun!


Follow me: @KaiNicole on Twitter, @KaiFlyMommy on Instagram. And, buy the best dating book for women, Date Like A Woman!

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