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As I have said many times before, as long as these lonely men keep commenting on my content, I will keep posting and laughing at their foolishness. Let’s get into it!


I talked about this guy in the last episode. We determined that not only was he using a filter on his profile photo, but he was also “smizing” like Tyra Banks. Well, it seems that our smizer just hadn’t had enough negging on my page and took to calling me “olive oyl” every day for about a week. If this doesn’t scream pathetic and lonely I don’t know what does but clearly, he is desperate for my attention. Normally I block men who do this but decided to run an experiment and see how long would this guy continue to neg when he was getting no response. So far, he’s been quiet for a few days. At some point, I wonder if men will ever realize this type of behavior won’t get them what they want. Logic should make that clear, but here we are.















Again, another insecure lonely man who gets his kicks from calling women names. It’s sad how so many men feel elevated by trying to put women down. What’s really sad is despite how they try to make it seem like women are worth less than men, there are plenty of men who would pay money to spend time with a woman. However, there are very few women who would ever pay money to spend time with a man.


How to say women won’t pay you any attention without saying women won’t pay you any attention? Men expose their lack of social skills in their comments about women. Patriarchy has them confused about their actual value to women. Men who lack social skills struggle the most with women and instead of working on their social skills many of them lash out and blame women. Men who think women are “boring” usually have a hard time engaging in interesting conversations. This is why they claim women are “boring.”


It’s funny to me when someone misses the entire point of my video. This guy thinks black women should be “shamed” more. At least he is wearing his sexism out loud, however, the fact that he skipped right over the point that the actual problem is the predatory men let me know he’s never going to understand the real issue so clearly he’s a lost cause. Our only hope is that these types of people die off.


 Let me introduce you to Robert Morgan, Robert has been on quite a commenting spree. Which tells me that Robert has a lot of time on his hands. Anyway, let’s get into his comment.

Again, he missed my point in the video that no woman is trading sex for food. I think men truly have a comprehension issue. He clearly heard what he wanted.




 Again, he’s hearing what he wants to hear. I am translating lonely men’s comments, I am not telling men they are “wrong”. Men are free to say and feel whatever they want. Now if you don’t want to come across as lonely and desperate you may want to do some soul searching and change it up.

But of course, when women aren’t easily manipulated we are “men”…





 To say Robert is a weirdo is an understatement. All women have sex with 50-500 men and all men have sex with just 5 women?? Men like Robert certainly make it seem like women should never speak to men again.

I just wonder if these men will ever see themselves as the true issue because Robert has YIKES energy.



 I just want Robert to know that no woman will ever be “into” him because he gives off psycho vibes. No woman is going to chase you, Robert. I suggest you try talking to a therapist first although I get the feeling that you are so delusional you may be a lost cause.

Anyway, check my video to see what may be Robert’s photos.








~ Kai

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