Good Morning World!!

“I try not to live my life worrying about what others think. A core spiritual quality is nonjudgment, which is not just about not judging others, but also not living your life worried about others judging you.” – Deepak Chopra

When I was 17, I had a harsh realization: I was being judged, not by strangers, but by my own family, people who had created and believed rumors about me. At the time, it was deeply upsetting. These were people who were very religious. Their actions made me question the very concept of “goodness” in people and the sincerity of their beliefs.

Since then, I’ve encountered many other instances where people judged me based on assumptions or gossip. While their opinions sometimes stung, over the years I’ve grown less and less concerned about what others think. Learning to let go of that worry has been one of the most freeing experiences of my life. It’s allowed me to live more authentically and make choices that align with who I truly am, not who others expect me to be.

My life isn’t perfect, and it’s not exactly where I want it to be yet. But knowing I’m living on my own terms brings me a level of happiness I never felt when I cared so much about others’ opinions. Interestingly, I’ve noticed that the same people who judge me seem to keep a close watch on everything I do. It’s as if their judgment stems from their own dissatisfaction, they project their unhappiness onto others because they’ve never had the courage to live their own lives authentically. Instead of changing their circumstances, they criticize mine.

This has taught me an important lesson: the best way to live is unapologetically, without being weighed down by the opinions of others. Your life belongs to you, and only your opinion truly matters. People will always talk, but their judgments say more about their struggles than they ever will about you. So live boldly, stay true to yourself, and let others sort out their own issues.

Happy Sunday!

~ Kai

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