Good Morning World!!

“Dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It’s hard work that makes things happen. It’s hard work that creates change.” – Shonda Rhimes

Sometimes, I find myself doubting whether I’m working hard enough. But then I remind myself of an important truth: every single day, I get up and put in the effort to move closer to making my dreams a reality. It may not always feel like I’m making huge strides, but progress, no matter how small, is still progress.

It’s essential to remember that not every day will be perfect. Some days, you’ll check off a long list of tasks and feel incredibly accomplished. On other days, you might only manage to take one small step forward, and that’s okay too. What truly matters is consistency and the fact that you’re showing up and doing what you can.

So, give yourself grace. Keep putting in the effort, no matter how big or small, and trust that every bit of work is adding up to something greater. Celebrate the progress you make and stay focused on the journey ahead.

Happy Thursday!

~ Kai

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