This article was sent to me this morning: “Men Only Want Sex and Their Freedom.” The author’s basic premise is that women should just give men sex and don’t bother them if you want a successful relationship. The article was written by a woman, a woman who doesn’t want you to use your “Relationship-Killing-Feminist-Perspective about men.”

As to the first part of her argument regarding sex, yes, sex is highly important when it comes to relationships. In fact, if you are in a relationship and you are not having sex, chances are your relationship is in danger. Sex is a huge part of intimacy. Sex can help people connect to one another. Married couples with healthy sex lives are happier and less likely to divorce. Sex/intimacy is essential to a healthy relationship. I will not disagree that men need sex in a relationship, however, I must point out that women need sex in relationships too.

The second part of her argument is that women should give men their freedom and space. It is clear from her words that she holds an anti-feminist perspective. She states, “Never discuss important issues with him right after work or late at night.” While I believe there is a time and place to have important discussions I am not sure she clearly articulated what giving men their “freedom and space” really is. Personally, I don’t like discussing anything after work especially if I had a hard day so I can understand anyone feeling this way, even men. I don’t see that as “freedom” but more like being considerate of someone’s mood.

What really bothers me about this article is that the author has painted men as very one dimensional. Her thoughts about men are described using a very sexist rhetoric. She states, “A man’s emotions are directly connected to his cock.” And, “Men feel loved when their cock gets wet.” Sadly, this is how sexism hurts men too. If I were a man, I would be offended. She has reduced men relating to anything emotionally as possible only through their penises, basically stating that men can be controlled by their penises, because that is how men feel love.

If you know anything about men, you know that sex with a man does not always equate to love. And, while some men can be manipulated through sex, men can’t be controlled by sex. I know that men have way more depth than this. This attitude that men are just penises walking around and not actual people is damaging to men. Sure, men like sex, but they are still people who do other things than just have sex or want sex all the time. All of men’s emotions are not connected to their penises.

The author seems to be making an attack on women by telling them that they don’t know anything about men but all the while insulting men. Any woman who has been in a long-term relationship with a man knows that men require more than just sex and freedom. Men want someone to believe in them and their aspirations, someone to emotionally support them, someone to be their teammate, someone to be there when things get hard. Men are very capable of love and other emotions and those feelings are not just connected to their penises. Basically, men want love and companionship too, and not just sex.

Relationships are way more than just having a warm body around for sex. If it were as simple as “just give a man sex and you will get a relationship,” I am pretty sure every woman who ever wanted a relationship would be in one…because sex is pretty easy to get…


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