One of the biggest complaints I hear from women is that they never meet any men. I find this complaint baffling because men are literally everywhere. But, after hearing this complaint so much I started to pay a little closer attention to women who say this is a big issue. Here’s the thing, men cannot have the opportunity to meet you if you never go to places where you are approachable.

That’s right, you have to go out.

I see your posts. You spend a lot of time at home…online…and, well I have news for you, men can’t meet you while you’re in the house. Or…when you do go out it’s with a group of women where you go to places like a restaurant and make yourselves almost completely unapproachable. Big groups of women are like male kryptonite…they actually repel men.

So, what is the best way to meet men?

  • Go out to places that were made for social interaction such as lounges, bars, day parties, or festivals.
  • Go alone or with a girlfriend. Try not to have more than 3 women in your group. The more women you have the less likely a man who is interested in you will approach you.
  • Stand/sit in a highly visible location. If men don’t see you, they can’t approach you.
  • Use the flirting techniques described in Date Like A Woman.
  • Do not be afraid to make eye contact with a man you find attractive!

And, as always Be Open! Just because the man who approaches you isn’t your fantasy man does not mean you should not hear him out. Remember, you should date someone you aren’t attracted to.

Men will definitely shoot their shot if they have an opportunity to, so just make sure you are creating the opportunities!


Follow me: @KaiNicole on Twitter, @KaiFlyMommy on Instagram. And, buy the best dating book for women, Date Like A Woman!

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